International Trusts
The international trust allows you to take care of your family during your lifetime but especially after you have passed.
A trust enables you to access a model that has been used successfully for centuries to build financial independence by housing assets in different currencies globally in a safe manner.
The trust can have bank accounts in almost any currency almost anywhere in the world.
Investments on behalf of the trust can be placed almost anywhere in the world.
Assets that have been transferred to the trust fall outside of your estate. This means that the trust can function without interruption and continue to look after your family long after your passing.
Investments and money that have accumulated in the trust over time can help pay for expenses for your family during and after your lifetime.
The fees for international trusts start at as little as R250 per month.
Please contact us at for more information if you are interested in learning more about our fees.
Frey and The Bolder Group
Frey’s solution is offered with Bolder Group appointed as the international trustee.
Bolder Group offers boutique-style corporate, funds, compliance and governance services, as well as solutions for private wealth and family offices. To date, Bolder is present in 16 countries with Ireland and Mauritius being its latest additions.