About Us

In Norse Mythology, Frey is the deity who is responsible for peace and prosperity. At Frey, we follow this example and help our clients to achieve peace and prosperity. We provide our South African clients with the freedom to build a nest egg outside of South Africa.

South Africans love South Africa. This is an undeniable truth. The country has its problems – but it is home.  And for many people, leaving the country is just not an option.  Their families are in South Africa. Their friends are in South Africa. Their businesses are in South Africa. Their lives and hearts are in South Africa.

And while you may live in South Africa and continue to want to live there despite the challenges, there is no reason for you to be completely exposed to the vulnerabilities in South Africa.

It is entirely possible for you to remain in South Africa while benefiting from international savings and income streams through a trust that is situated in another country.  In the case of Mauritius, it is possible for an individual or a family to obtain their residency by following certain steps.  While we all hope you never have to use it, it does provide you with peace of mind to know that you have a plan B in the unlikely event that you will need it.

For many people, the idea of creating a presence outside of South Africa is an exotic concept or it seems like an expensive option. At Frey, we have provided a very straightforward and inexpensive means for you to establish a trust outside of South Africa.

Having this trust outside of South Africa opens up a whole new world of opportunity – quite literally. To illustrate, the GDP of South Africa in 2020 was $ 306 billion. The world’s GDP was $ 84.54 trillion. That means that you could limit yourself to participating in only 0.36% of the world’s activity by not being part of the global economy. We give you the freedom to be part of this.

When setting up a trust, Frey selects world-class trustees to act in the best interest of the trust and beneficiaries.
For more information about the trustees that Frey currently uses, please visit www.boldergroup.com

It is also important to note that Frey does not provide financial advice or investment services. Once a trust is set up, the trustees select an internationally recognised investment advisor from an approved panel of investment advisors to manage each trust’s affairs.